November 26, 12:00 AM

◼The 13 Israeli hostages released from Hamas captivity tonight: Sharon Avigdori and her daughter Noam, siblings Alma and Noam Or, Hila Rotem, Emily Hand, Shiri Weiss and her daughter Noga, Adi Shoham and children Yahel and Naveh, Maya Regev, and Shoshan Haran.

◼ IDF spokesperson: The released hostages are with IDF Special Forces inside Israeli territory:

IDF Special Forces and ISA Forces are currently with the released hostages. The released hostages underwent an initial medical assessment inside Israeli territory. They will continue to be accompanied by IDF soldiers as they make their way to Israeli hospitals, where they will be reunited with their families.

The Israel Defense Forces salutes and embraces the released hostages upon their return home.

The IDF, together with the entire Israeli security establishment, will continue operating until all the hostages are returned home.

The IDF Spokesperson reiterates the importance of demonstrating patience and sensitivity during this time out of respect for the released hostages and their families.

◾ENEMY CROWDS CHEER AND PARTY AT RELEASE OF ATTEMPTED-MURDERING PRISONERS… enemy videos show cheering and partying crowds as terror prisoners are released into Judea-Samaria and East Jerusalem.

◾WHY DOES OUR MEDIA WRITE AGAINST US? (Times of Israel) Headline: The hospital says 12 of 13 hostages released yesterday don’t need urgent medical attention. Appropriate Headline: “Hospital says 1 of the 13 hostages needed urgent limb-saving medical treatment for a festering gunshot wound.” What is wrong with our media writing enemy-supporting headlines? “In moderate condition, will undergo a series of surgeries and is expected to recover fully.” Appropriate: “With many painful surgeries and advanced medical treatment, she is expected to eventually recover.” It’s called downplaying our pain.

◾WHERE ARE THE BABIES? Do not expect the babies to be returned, they are the enemy ace. How can Israel return to war if it might kill the babies? Exactly.

????FLOOD ALERT… Heavy rains are expected overnight and through tomorrow. Flood danger: The Nature and Parks Authority has announced that starting today at noon until Tuesday, it is forbidden to enter on foot or by vehicle into flowing streams in the streams of the Judean Desert and the south of the country. Do not approach the bank of a stream during a flood for fear of the bank collapsing. All traditional flood-prone areas should be avoided, including city streets with frequent flooding.

◾AIR ALERT… Dust storms are in progress, and sensitive people including heart patients, lung patients, the elderly, children, and pregnant women should avoid strenuous physical activity outside (or being outside at all). High allergy responses are expected. Avoid outdoors if possible. An improvement in air quality is predicted during the night hours in the north and center of the country.

◾BE VERY WARY RETURNING… the Meta Asher Regional Council: “The war in the north continues. We are aware of some residents who feel that they can return to their homes even though the instructions of the army, Home Front Command, and the council are not to return. To maintain your safety and the safety of your families, do not return to the evacuated towns.” (( Or at least don’t stay – get in, get what you need, get out. ))

????HOSTAGE TRANSFER ISSUES… Israeli sources estimate that the obstacles to the release of the hostages today may be even more problematic: “Yesterday’s crisis was caused by a gap between what Israel agreed to and what Hamas understood it would accept, especially about one question: the number of aid trucks to the northern Gaza Strip.” It was also reported that contrary to the publications, the story of the separation of the families did not constitute a violation because Hamas claimed that it could not find the mother of one of the freed women and the brother of the other. Hamas offered to release elderly women instead, but Israel chose to release the girl.

◾MAYOR OF GAZA CITY SAYS… to Al Jazeera, “Not one liter of fuel has reached the Gaza municipality.” Where do 500,000 liters of fuel go?

◾OVER 5 MILLION IN CASH… captured in Hamas strongholds in Gaza, donated to the Israel war budget by the IDF.

◾BBC PREVENTS ATTENDANCE AT ANTI-SEMITISM RALLY… London-based employees of the BBC were ordered not to participate in an upcoming march against antisemitism this weekend. The upcoming National Solidarity March Against Antisemitism was slated as too “controversial” for the news network’s employees. Even Jewish employees were barred from participating in the demonstration.

◾THINGS THAT MAY YOU GO HMMM… Famous Palestinian female bomber Asra’ Jaaviz, who was released yesterday because of the deal: “I would be released anyway in 22 months. Some boys have 18 days left until the end of their prison term and they were released in the deal. Some boys have many years left in prison, 18 years and they are not released and one who has 18 days is released. it’s a strange thing.”

◾4 IDF DOGS KILLED IN BATTLE… the fallen Oketz soldier dogs are Mido, Taiga, Jack, and Ghandi.

◾PM OF IRELAND, LOST CHILD FOUND! (HOSTAGE) Foreign Minister Eli Cohen in response to the Prime Minister of Ireland, who tweeted that the girl Emily was “lost and returned”: “It seems that you have lost your moral compass and that you need a reality check. Emily Hand was not ‘lost’, she was kidnapped by a terrorist organization that is worse than ISIS and that killed her stepmother. Emily, along with over 30 Israeli children, was taken captive by Hamas. You are trying to legitimize and normalize terrorism, shame on you.”

◾WHATSAPP WARNING… WhatsApp warns Israelis: In the last day, there have been attempts to break into the WhatsApp of Israelis by hackers from Yemen and Iran. It is recommended to activate two-step verification and not answer messages and calls from unknown numbers abroad.

(( To activate, top right 3 dots, Settings, Account, Two-step verification. Another change: top right 3 dots, Settings, Privacy, “who can see my info”, set everything to “My contacts”. In the Groups section also, set “Calls” to “Silence Unknown Callers”. ))

(( The same option in Telegram, 3 bars top left, Settings, Privacy and Security, Two-Step Verification. And in the Privacy section lower down, set Phone Number – Last Seen – Profile Photos – Bio – Forwarded Messages – Calls – Groups & Channels, to My Contacts. ))

November 26, 14:30

◼A tanker linked to an Israel-affiliated company (Central Park vessel) has been boarded (Hijacked) off the coast of Yemen, Ambrey said on Sunday. U.S. naval forces have been engaged in the situation.

◼ Ynet reports: IDF estimates: 5,000 Hamas terrorists killed in the war so far, thousands wounded; army increasingly calls for large assault on southern Gaza terror stronghold in Rafah to pressure Hamas into the massive release of hostages.

◼ Gazan sources reports: Hamas terrorists have issued an official statement confirming the swirling rumors of recent days that several of their top terrorist officials were eliminated in Israeli airstrikes, this comes after their bodies were identified in the rubble in northern Gaza.

Among them: A senior Hamas terrorist Ahmad al Ghandour (known as Abu Anas), a member of the Supreme Military Council, commander of the northern brigade, and the right hand of Muhammad Dief, who was on Israel’s target list for many many years. The other eliminated in the airstrike two weeks ago is Ayman Siyam, the leader of Hamas missile divisions. Eliminated in the strikes was Wa’el Rijab, who was the commander of the Hamas Beit Lahiya regional battalion.

During the third day of this ceasefire, Hamas is utilizing it to hold mass funerals for the Hamas terrorist leaders eliminated in the airstrikes.

◼IDF spokesperson: Chief of the General Staff, LTG Herzi Halevi, to the soldiers and commanders of the IDF: “The IDF and its soldiers fight fiercely to protect the lives of our people while upholding the values of the IDF. We have created conditions for the framework for the release of the first group of children and mothers held hostage during this pause. When the framework is completed, we will return to our operations with determination, for the continued release of the hostages and the complete dismantlement of Hamas.”

“I met many of you at the end of long hours of fighting both above and underground, facing complex challenges. In every encounter, I saw reflected in your eyes the magnitude of the moment, the fighting spirit, and the determination to achieve all the objectives of the war. I heard you tell me: ‘We want to fight until we return the hostages.’ And so we are doing just that!”

November 26, 16:00

◾HAMAS GAMES (1)… Hamas announced that it was unable to locate the brother of Mia Regev (one of the released children, that were supposed to be released as a family) and the mother of Hila Rotem Shoshani (another child released alone because they “lost” her mother). We pray they are found alive and healthy.

◾HAMAS GAMES (2)… The leader of Hamas, Mahmoud al-Mardawi to the Qatar channel: We will not release any more Israeli hostages – if Israel does not comply with the principle of seniority in the release of Palestinian prisoners. (( which is not part of the agreement )).

◾HAMAS GAMES (3)… 14:25 PM Al Arabiya network: “A short time ago, Hamas sent a protest to the mediators about Israel’s violation of the ceasefire”.

◾RED CROSS GAMES… A senior Red Cross official to the British news channel Sky News: It is not certain that the release of the abductees will take place today. Now they say “Oh, we didn’t mean that, besides we just transfer – we don’t arrange.”

◾IDF SAYS… About an hour ago, a roadblock was erected by Hamas on the road leading to the north of the Gaza Strip, to prevent the passage of trucks with humanitarian aid to the residents of the north of the Gaza Strip. Hamas proves in this incident, as in many other incidents that happened in this war, that its citizens are at the bottom of the order of priorities.

◾THAILAND vs. SRI LANKA… while Thailand is advising their workers to leave Israel, Sri Lanka says ‘Sri Lanka’s Minister of Labor and Employment said they received more than 10,000 applications to work in Israeli farms’.

◾KIBBUTZ MERAV (northeast Samaria, towards the Jordan Valley) BLOCKS HARVEST… Dozens of residents from Kibbutz Merav are at this time blocking with their bodies the entry of Arabs from the neighboring villages into the kibbutz after the commanding IDF general decided to approve the Arab olive harvest despite the war. Residents of the kibbutz warned that the harvest was being used to possibly carry out terrorist attacks and definitely gather intelligence, but were ignored. “We will protect the kibbutz with our bodies, the safety of the residents of Merav will not be neglected”.

“This occurs while dozens of residents of Merav are called up for the war. The soldiers who were sent to provide security for the harvest were suddenly converted to protect Palestinians. We suggest to the commanding general to stop messing with the olive harvest and start drawing conclusions from October 7. For the past six months, we residents of Merav have experienced incessant shooting incidents by terrorists from the village of Jilbon, which developed into charges on the fence.” (( Sounds familiar, G-d forbid !! ))

◾ENEMY MEDIA SAYS… today 7 were injured (shot) when they tried to enter the area to which their entry was prohibited in the Tal al-Hawa neighborhood, west of Gaza, and around the Indonesian hospital, north of Gaza.

◾PUTIN TELLS HAMAS… At Putin’s request: Hamas is expected to release today an Israeli with Russian citizenship in addition to the 13 released today, according to two Israeli sources.

◼Egypt says it has received a list of 13 Israelis to be released today.

Israel is anticipating the potential release of additional captives from the Gaza Strip today, on top of the 13 Israelis that have been agreed upon by Hamas terrorists.

Israeli officials have warned that nothing related to the captives deal is final until it is carried out. Yesterday, Hamas delayed the release of the captives for several hours.

◼CNN news: For the first time since the temporary truce between Hamas and Israel came into effect, an American citizen is expected to be on Sunday’s list of captives set to be released.

◼A convoy of 200 trucks carrying humanitarian aid is entering Gaza through the Rafah crossing today. They contain food, water, shelter supplies, and medical supplies only.

Under UN escort, dozens of humanitarian aid trucks and 6 ambulances are also being transferred to northern Gaza and to shelters that have not yet been evacuated.

◼Joint IDF and ISA announcement: IDF and ISA confirm the names of five additional senior Hamas terrorist commanders eliminated in Gaza prior to the operational ceasefire, including the Commander of the Northern Gaza Brigade, his deputy, and the Head of the Rockets Array.

◼Egypt says it has received a list of 13 Israelis to be released today.

Israel is anticipating the potential release of additional captives from the Gaza Strip today, on top of the 13 Israelis that have been agreed upon by Hamas terrorists.

Israeli officials have warned that nothing related to the captives deal is final until it is carried out. Yesterday, Hamas delayed the release of the captives for several hours.

◼CNN news: For the first time since the temporary truce between Hamas and Israel came into effect, an American citizen is expected to be on Sunday’s list of captives set to be released.

◼A convoy of 200 trucks carrying humanitarian aid is entering Gaza through the Rafah crossing today. They contain food, water, shelter supplies, and medical supplies only.

Under UN escort, dozens of humanitarian aid trucks and 6 ambulances are also being transferred to northern Gaza and to shelters that have not yet been evacuated.

◼Joint IDF and ISA announcement: IDF and ISA confirm the names of five additional senior Hamas terrorist commanders eliminated in Gaza prior to the operational ceasefire, including the Commander of the Northern Gaza Brigade, his deputy, and the Head of the Rockets Array.

◾KIBBUTZ MERAV (northeast West Bank – Gilboa area) BLOCKS HARVEST… Question: harvest inside the town? Answer: Yes, for various historical court reasons, there are towns in Judea-Samaria where Arabs have the right to harvest up to the fence, and in some cases INSIDE the fence. Update: Border police arrived and violently forced the Jewish residents out of the way, including beating a reserve soldier home for a break. (Ch. 14)

Just two weeks ago the IDF in Jenin, using a fighter jet, eliminated a large squad that was hiding in a mosque and planned to carry out a massacre raid on one of the settlements in the area, as happened in Otef Aza. The residents understand this and are trying to take steps to prevent a massacre. However it seems that the senior command continues to hold on to all the mistakes and concepts prior to Oct. 7. Even after the massacre, the command still operates according to the concept promoted by the propaganda channels that see the settlers as the real enemy. This is an illusory security concept that begins with European-funded subversive organizations, passes through the Americans, and is embedded in the field through oiled foundations and academic institutions.

◾MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS… delay extended until Feb. 27, due to the war.

◾DAMACUS, SYRIA – AIRPORT BLOWS UP, MILITARY BASE BLOWS UP… Damascus airport, a frequent landing site of Iranian arms planes providing weapons to Hezbollah, blew up a little while ago. At the same time, Syrian sources say: that the Almaza military base in western Damascus blew up as well. Subsequent reports state not Damascus airport but the Mazah military airport in south Damascus. Unclear. Others note it’s 30 hours since the last time Damascus airport blew up and returned to service. Kaan News says flights to Damascus are being rerouted.

◾THE MISSING MOTHER AND HAMAS LIES… Hila on Hamas’ claim that her mother did not return with her because her whereabouts are unknown: “My mother was with me the entire time of captivity. Hamas separated us two days before the liberation. Mother’s condition was good. We were together with Emily (sister). Hamas informed us that there is a ceasefire and we are being released.” But now claims they can’t find the mother.

◾US SAYS MORE CEASEFIRE GOOD… The US National Security Adviser to NBC: “Biden is expected to speak with Netanyahu today to examine an extension of the truce days.” Sullivan’s words come after the US President spoke last night with the Emir of Qatar.

◾US SAYS RED CROSS WILL VISIT… but they haven’t so far. American National Security Adviser Sullivan confirms that there is a clause in the agreement according to which the International Red Cross will visit the abductees who will remain in Gaza and provide information on their condition by tomorrow.

◾FATAH PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY TERROR RELEASE PARTY… the official institutions of the Fatah movement in Qalqilya are issuing an official invitation tonight to the region to participate in the celebrations of the release of Jihad Teofik Odeh – a terrorist from the village of Thulat in western Samaria who was arrested after who planned to carry out a suicide attack and was released last night. The announcement was signed by Fatah with the words “Glory to the martyrs, speedy recovery to the wounded, revolution to victory!”. This is the organization the U.S. and parts of the Israeli Knesset want to take over Gaza.

◾HAMAS SAYS… we released an Israeli-Russian hostage at the request of President of Russia Putin. The Russian news agency confirmed: that Hamas handed over a Russian citizen to the Red Cross.

November 26, 18:00

◼IDF spokesperson: Based on information received from the Red Cross, 14 Israeli captives and 3 foreign hostages have been transferred to the Red Cross.

◼IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi held an assessment at the Southern Command and approved battle plans for after the ceasefire

◼ PM Netanyahu visited troops in northern Gaza today and was accompanied by Cabinet Secretary Tzachi Braverman, Head of Israel’s National Security Council Tzachi Hanegbi, the Prime Minister’s military Secretary Major General Avi Gil, and IDF’s Deputy Chief of Staff Major General Amir Baram.

“We are here in Gaza with our heroic fighters. We make every effort to return our abductees, and eventually, we will return them all. We have three goals for this war: eliminate Hamas, return all our abductees, and ensure that Gaza does not become a threat to the State of Israel again.

I am here to say to my friends here, to the fighters here, who tell me the same things, and I repeat this to you, citizens of Israel: we continue until the end – until victory. Nothing will stop us, and we are convinced that we have the power, the strength, the will, and the determination to achieve all the war’s goals, and we will.

While I sat with the deputy chief of staff and the commanders, I saw writing on the wall: “The people of Israel live”. So the people of Israel live, and the people of Israel also win thanks to you. Thank you.”

????HOSTAGE RELEASE IN PROGRESS… 9 children, 4 women + 4 Thailand workers and 1 Russian-Israeli. 177 hostages remain in the hands of Hamas. The Palestinians report that among the 39 prisoners expected to be released from prison in Israel today, there are 21 from East Jerusalem and for the first time a minor prisoner, a resident of Rafah who is expected to be released to the Gaza Strip. In Israel, they confirm that the freed are in the hands of the Red Cross. It is reported in Al-Arabia: that the abductees were transferred to Israel today at the Karni crossing – due to the POOR health condition of some of them.

????HAMAS GAMES (4) – NO BABIES… and once again, while children are released, THE BABIES ARE NOT. Too valuable to pressure Israel with.

????HAMAS GAMES (5)… Gaza Report: “There are increasing signs that some of the factions in southern Gaza refuse to cooperate with Hamas in the prisoner exchange process and are holding captives, including women and children.”

◾TERROR PARTY IN RAMALLAH… The Palestine Prisoner’s Authority plans to hold a welcoming ceremony for prisoners who will be released from prison in Israel today at Arafat Square in Ramallah.

◾NEAR RAMALLAH, SAMARIA – Clashes are currently taking place in Beitonia, west of Ramallah. According to the reports, our forces are firing tear gas at the rioters, who are throwing stones – like a game, before Oct. 7.

◾ERITREAN HERO GETS CITIZENSHIP… Mologta Tzagai from Eritrea, who saw a seriously wounded commander near Sderot on the day of the massacre and stayed to help him under fire from terrorists for many hours, received an Israeli ID card from Interior Minister Moshe Arbel together with his entire family.

◾KIBBUTZ MERAV BLOCKS HARVEST… Correction on this item – it is NOT in the West Bank, it is “500 meters from the Green Line”. Here’s the story of why non-citizen Arabs have a harvest right, per Wikipedia: In 2011 the barrier was changed to that about 375 acres would be contained within the kibbutz. This was privately owned Arab land, and the transfer was not within the authority of the transferring agency (Israel Lands Admin.). In 2013 the land was legally returned to the Arab owners, but physically it had already been contained within the security barriers of the kibbutz.

November 26, 19:00

◼IDF spokesperson: IDF special forces and ISA forces are currently accompanying 12 released captives in Israeli territory to the Hatzerim Base.

An additional civilian landed at a hospital a short while ago (reportedly in serious condition*)

In parallel, four additional released hostages are on their way to the Rafah Crossing.

⚠ MDA has updated: the condition of one of the released women is described as serious, she was evacuated by helicopter to Soroka Hospital.

⚠ Soroka and Ministry of Health spokespersons: The 84-year-old woman who returned to Israel arrived by helicopter. She underwent an initial medical examination in order to assess her condition and the required treatment in order to provide her with appropriate medical treatment.

◼These are the 13 Israelis released from Hamas captivity:

Hagar Brodutch, 40
Ofry Brodutch, 10
Yuval Brodutch, 8
Oria Brodutch, 4
Chen Goldstein-Almog, 49
Agam Goldstein-Almog, 17
Gal Goldstein-Almog, 11
Tal Goldstein-Almog, 9
Abigail Idan, 4
Elma Avraham, 84
Aviva Siegal, 62
Dafna Elyakim, 14
Ela Elyakim, 8

◼ Defense Minister Yoav Gallant says the IDF has eliminated over 100 Hezbollah terrorists; and destroyed dozens of its observation posts, weapons depots, and other sites amid the fighting in northern Israel.

“The combination of all these tactical achievements will translate into a different situation, which will later allow the return of the residents [of northern Israel] under completely different conditions than when we started this campaign,” Gallant says.

November 26, 21:30

⚠ Soroka Hospital in Beersheba says released captive, 84-year-old Elma Avraham, who was evacuated from the Gaza Strip by IDF helicopter to the medical center, is in serious and life-threatening condition.

????Arab report: The Saudi air defense intercepted about an hour and a half ago a number of missiles launched from Yemen toward Israel.

???? Reports: IDF artillery fire towards Marawahin Lebanon.

◼Joint IDF and COGAT Announcement: Today (Sunday), COGAT coordinated the entry of 200 trucks into the Gaza Strip, 42 of which were loaded with shelter equipment.

Up until today (26.11.2023), 226 trucks loaded with shelter equipment have been transferred to Gaza. This is part of the humanitarian aid being delivered to international aid organizations via the Rafah Crossing, which is checked before at the Nitzana Crossing. As part of this aid, some 3,600 tons of tents, blankets, and mattresses have been transferred to the civilian population ahead of the winter.

Over 2,000 trucks have entered Gaza since the start of the war, transferring water, food, and medical equipment to Gaza.

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