????CEASEFIRE / HOSTAGES…. 2-day extension, list of hostages to be returned already received. The ‘red-headed’ family is “lost”, per Hamas, mother and 2 young children. And remember Kfir, the youngest baby hostage at 10 months? (Though assuming the pregnant hostage survived, there is a newborn who is now the youngest.) Missing In Action!

9 children remain in captivity:

Kfir Biebs is 10 months old
Ariel Biebs is 4 years old
Gali Tarshansky is 13 years old
Amit Shani is 16 years old
Maya Leimberg is 17 years old
Ofir Engel is 17 years old
Aisha Alziadna is 17 years old
Liam Orr is 18 years old
Itai Regev is 18 years old

????PER THE AGREEMENT, RED CROSS VISITS… on day 4, did not happen. The status of the remaining hostages is unknown.

????Testimony: Women held captive by Hamas spent most of their time in cages.

‼EMERGENCY SERVICES PHONE LINES DOWN OVERNIGHT… the emergency numbers in Israel, 100 for police, 101 for an ambulance, etc, failed overnight – not an attack, systems failure. If they fail again, here are alternate numbers that were set up:

Police – 052-202-0-100
Ambulance – 052-700-0-101
Homefront Command – 052-9-104-104
Fire – 050-596-0735

◾FIREFIGHT OR WARNING, NORTH GAZA… (enemy report) Firefight in Sheikh Radwan neighborhood in the Gaza Strip. Around 06:00 IDF forces encountered terrorists. According to the reporters, our forces responded with tank fire and gunfire. The IDF claims that it was warning shots and not an encounter.

◾ISRAELI POLITICS… The full cabinet approved the war budget, which included some allocation of coalition funds. National Unity (MK Gantz) abstains.

◾QALQILYA – SAMARIA…(over the Green Line near Kfar Saba) IDF security forces operated in this Arab city overnight.
◾BEITUNIA – SAMARIA… (near Ramallah) Clashes / semi-riot between IDF security forces and locals. The forces responded by firing, killing two terrorists and wounding others.
◾TUBAS, – SAMARIA… terrorist chased into a building, firefight. Arab reports indicate that our forces are being reinforced, which is happening now. Arab sources report that our forces fired a shoulder-fired missile at the besieged house.

November 28, 16:00

IDF spokesperson: Over the last hour, three explosive devices were detonated adjacent to IDF troops in two different locations in the northern Gaza Strip, violating the framework of the operational pause. In one of the locations, terrorists also opened fire at the troops, who responded with fire.

A number of soldiers were lightly injured during the incidents.

In both incidents, the troops were located in positions as per the framework of the operational ceasefire.

More details to follow…

◼Tasnim Reported: Arrangements have been finalized for the delivery of Russian-made Sukhoi Su-35 fighter jets, Mil Mi-28 attack helicopters, and Yak-130 jet trainers to Iran.

????Hamas takes official responsibility for the attack which occurred North of Al Shati along the beach road and caused numerous injuries to IDF troops. All of the Hamas terrorists returned to their “positions”.

???? Hamas deployed a second explosive which was detonated against an Israeli vehicle adjacent to the al Rantisi hospital in Rimal several hours ago. Unclear if there were any injuries from either side.

⚠ Reports that Israel will be retaliation for the attacks against the IDF soldiers that occurred earlier today in Northern Gaza.

◼Reported: Quoting officials, that Israel notified Egypt and Qatar that it is not interested in any talks on extending the humanitarian ceasefire deal after its agreed end on Thursday, current mediation talks are only about the current ceasefire.

◼IDF spokesperson: The IDF announces the deaths of three soldiers who were abducted by Hamas on October 7:

Staff Sgt. Tomer Yaakov Ahimas, 20, from Lehavim; Sgt. Kiril Brodski, 19, from Ramat Gan; and Sgt. Shaked Dahan, 19, from Afula:

Attached is a link to the IDF website, where further updates on the fallen soldiers have been published:

◼Prime Minister Netanyahu: “As of now, we have freed 74 hostages, including 50 women and children according to the original outline. We are committed to completing this outline and bringing about the release of all of our hostages – all of them, without exception.

We are committed to completing these missions: Freeing all of the hostages, eliminating this terrorist organization above and below ground, and – of course – that Gaza must not return to being what it was, that it will no longer constitute a threat to the State of Israel.

◼”Keep waving” – the instructions Hamas terrorists gave to the Israeli hostages are exposed… They tried to present themselves as humane and as if they were taking care of the hostages who love them – but these are cruel terrorists who make propaganda about the lives of our kidnapped civilians!

Watch here:

◼A fifth group of hostages is expected to be released this evening.

◼So many countries and humanitarian organizations are saying the amount of aid going into Gaza isn’t enough. So few are saying the amount of hostages coming out of Gaza isn’t enough.

◼The BBC investigation reveals that in addition to Hamas, five other terrorist organizations participated in the massacre in the Gaza Strip, among them “Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades” – the military wing of the Fatah movement headed by Abu Mazen.

The al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades made sure to publish in the week after the massacre documents of their military operatives who fought in Israeli territory wearing yellow Fatah ribbons on their heads, among them extremely shocking documents of murder by horrific methods.

Today the BBC publishes this in an official investigation and there are still madmen in the country who think that the Palestinian Authority is a partner for peace.

Hamas made 12-year-old captive Eitan Yahalomi watch footage from the October 7th massacre.

Hamas held a gun to his head when he cried.

Civilians beat him when he arrived in Gaza.

Subhuman Monsters!

◼Israeli news sources report, quoting officials, that there is a possibility of a new 2-day humanitarian ceasefire extension deal that will begin on Thursday and that the fighting will officially be resumed on the Weekend.

ISRAEL REALTIME – “Connecting the World to Israel in Realtime”


  1. Two charges exploded one after the other, one on a Merkava Armored Personnel Carrier and one on a tank, while the troops boarded the vehicles. The incident happened in the Rantisi hospital area – on the agreed ceasefire line. One soldier was injured.
  2. A bomb (RPG?) was fired at a squad of soldiers. In this incident, the force detected a shot fired at it and returned fire. Contrary to various reports, no terrorists are known to have been eliminated. 4 soldiers were injured.

????HOSTAGE CONDITION IMPROVES… Exciting news from Soroka: improvement in the condition of 84-year-old Alma Avraham, who was released from Hamas captivity in serious condition. The director of the general intensive care department: “In the last few hours, there has been an improvement in her condition. She is conscious, she is breathing on her own.” Blessings for a speedy and full recovery!

????141 hostages remain in the hands of those in Gaza, including babies and mothers… if they are still alive. NO Red Cross visits, no proof of life, no report of their condition.

◾3 SOLDIERS AND A CIVILIAN… declared dead with sufficient evidence found to be sure they were not hostages.

◾BBC INVESTIGATES… five terrorist organizations participated in the massacre of Oct. 7, including the “Al Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades” – the military wing of the Fatah movement headed by Abu Mazen aka the Palestinian Authority that the U.S. and some Israeli leaders keep mentioning as taking over Gaza after the war.

◾MORE HORROR VIDEOS… South First Responders continues to find and expose more Oct. 7 activity videos of Hamas atrocities.

◼IDF spokesperson: A short while ago, Red Cross representatives transferred the 12 hostages to Egypt – including ten Israelis and two foreign nationals.

The released hostages’ convoy is currently making its way through Egypt to the meeting point with our soldiers at Kerem Shalom.

Security representatives will verify the identity of the released hostages at the meeting point.

The families of the hostages are being updated by IDF representatives with the latest available information.

◼The 10 Israeli hostages released from Hamas captivity tonight: Ditza Heiman, Tamar Metzger, Noralin Babadila Agojo, Ada Sagi, Meirav Tal, Rimon Kirsht, Ofelia Roitman, Gabriela Leimberg and her daughter Mia, and Clara Marman.

????WHERE ARE THE BABIES? 9 children will remain in the hands of these evil people after this evening. Did you think they would return the babies? The ultimate human shields.

????HOSTAGES HAVE ARRIVED… 8 adults (mostly elderly), one teen, 2 foreigners.


DEFENSE MINISTER SAYS… “We killed more than 100 Hezbollah terrorists, destroyed many dozens of observation posts, warehouses, bunkers, and headquarters, and pushed Hezbollah forces back from the front sector into the depth of their territory. The combination of all these achievements will translate into a different situation, which will allow the return of the residents under completely different conditions.”

LOCAL MAYOR SAYS… “I suggest to the Minister of Defense to wake up very quickly because Hezbollah is here on the fence and if they move away a little, they will return very quickly. I tell the Minister of Defense from here, the people of Margaliot, and I the North will not return to their homes until there is strong deterrent action and the State of Israel takes the reins. I heard from the Chief of Staff that they are trying to cool the atmosphere in the north. I suggest to the Minister of Defense and the Chief of Staff to come to their senses and not make fools of us. The blood of the residents of the north is not cheap. If the Minister of Defense does not know how to give us security, he should put the keys on the table and go home, he has already done enough damage.”

HEZBOLLAH SAYS… “Hezbollah intends to attack Israel with a barrage of rockets that will be launched simultaneously, these are barrages in which thousands of regular rockets (Grad) will be launched that will confuse the Iron Dome and significantly deplete the pool of interceptors, and only then will accurate ground-to-ground missiles be launched to 240 major pre-selected targets.”

◾EXTEND, OR NO WAY? (Ynet) A political official (unnamed therefore this is UNOFFICIAL) said Israel would consider extending the cease-fire beyond 10 days. “If it is possible to get as many hostages out as possible in 10 days, that is excellent. No one will deviate from the goal of the war and no one will agree to such an absurd thing as demobilization. We have already seen what it is to rely on international forces,” he said, adding that “currently there is no talk of extending the cease-fire beyond the 10 days specified. If there is a concrete proposal, it will be brought up for discussion in the cabinet and the government, but at the moment there is no such thing. If it seems that there is a significant proposal, we will examine it.” 

(X) MK BEN GVIR SAYS… Stopping the war = dissolving the government. Sources in Otzma Yehudit said that “any deal that entails keeping Hamas alive will lead to more disasters like the Black Saturday disaster when such a deal means a victory for Hamas in the war.”  Reports that if another deal is brought to the government that would result in the extension of the ceasefire beyond 10 days, the Otzma Yehudit party said that all six Knesset members of the party will leave the coalition.

RELIGIOUS ZIONISM… MK Smotrich had written into the current approval an absolute 10-day limit (for just such a situation). Any additional time would require another full vote – not a war cabinet action.

◾DOES TIMES OF ISRAEL WORK FOR THE ENEMY? Headline: Several injured as Hamas attacks Israeli troops in Gaza, straining fragile truce. Byline: In an apparent breach of the ceasefire, explosive devices detonate near forces. Let me fix it for you TOI: Headline: In blatant violation of the ceasefire, Hamas bombs IDF soldiers. Byline: Breaching ceasefire, Hamas terrorists blow up IDF soldiers. The byline is particularly bad – explosive devices detonate – apparently the devices walked over and randomly exploded.

◾BBC INVESTIGATES… five terrorist organizations participated in the massacre of Oct. 7, including the “Al Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades” – the military wing of the Fatah movement headed by Abu Mazen aka the Palestinian Authority that the U.S. and some Israeli leaders keep mentioning as taking over Gaza after the war.

◾JUDEA-SAMARIA (West Bank) SECURITY ACTIVITY… Large IDF force operating in Jenin, video of them by the ‘government’ hospital, firefights in progress. Hebron, terrorist shot.

◾MORE HORROR VIDEOS… South First Responders continues to find and expose more Oct. 7 activity videos of Hamas atrocities.

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