How to make homemade donuts

What are Donuts?

Donuts are a popular, sweet treat that is loved by people all over the world. These delicious fried dough confections can come in a variety of flavors, shapes, and sizes, making them a versatile and beloved snack. From classic glazed donuts to creative and unique options like maple bacon or fruity pebble toppings, there is a donut out there to satisfy every sweet tooth. Whether enjoyed as a breakfast indulgence, a midday snack, or a dessert, donuts have become a beloved staple in many people’s diets.

What You Will Need for This Recipe

– 2 1/4 teaspoons (1 packet) active dry yeast
– 3/4 cup warm milk
– 1/4 cup granulated sugar
– 1/4 teaspoon salt
– 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
– 1 egg
– 3 cups all-purpose flour
– 4 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened
– Oil for frying

– Deep fryer or heavy-bottomed pot
– Candy thermometer
– Mixing bowls
– Wooden spoon or stand mixer with dough hook
– Rolling pin
– Biscuit or donut cutter
– Slotted spoon
– Paper towels
– Cooling rack

Here’s a quick rundown on how to make these donuts

(1) Proof the yeast. Combine the yeast, warm milk (around 110°F), and 1 tablespoon of the sugar in a bowl. Let sit for 5-10 minutes, until foamy.
(2) Mix the dough. In a large bowl, whisk together the remaining sugar, salt, egg, vanilla extract, and softened butter. Stir in the foamy yeast mixture, then gradually add the flour until a soft dough forms.
(3) Knead the dough. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead for 5-7 minutes, until smooth and elastic.
(4) Let the dough rise. Place the dough in a greased bowl, cover with plastic wrap, and let rise in a warm place for 1-2 hours, until doubled in size.
(5) Punch down the dough. Gently punch down the dough to release the air.
(6) Roll out the dough. On a lightly floured surface, roll out the dough to 1/2-inch thickness.
(7) Cut out donuts. Use a 2-inch donut cutter or a round cookie cutter with a smaller cutter in the center to cut out donuts. Gather up the scraps and re-roll to cut out more donuts.
(8) Heat the oil. Pour enough oil into a large pot or Dutch oven to come 1-inch deep and heat over medium heat to 350°F (175°C).
(9) Fry the donuts. Carefully drop the donuts into the hot oil and fry for 1-2 minutes per side, until golden brown. Drain on paper towels.
(10) Glaze the donuts (optional). In a small bowl, whisk together powdered sugar, milk, and vanilla extract until smooth. Dip the warm donuts in the glaze and let the excess drip off.

For this homemade donuts recipe, you will need the basic ingredients such as yeast, flour, milk, and sugar. In addition, you will need a deep fryer or heavy-bottomed pot for frying the donuts, a candy thermometer to monitor the oil temperature, and mixing bowls for combining the ingredients. A wooden spoon or stand mixer with a dough hook will be necessary for mixing and kneading the dough. A rolling pin and biscuit or donut cutter will be needed for shaping the donuts before frying. After frying, a slotted spoon, paper towels, and a cooling rack will help drain and cool the donuts. With these ingredients and equipment, you will be ready to make delicious homemade donuts for yourself and your loved ones to enjoy.

Recipe Overview

Get ready to make delicious homemade donuts with this easy recipe overview. We will cover the key ingredients used to make the donuts, as well as the step-by-step instructions for preparing the dough, frying the donuts, and making a simple glaze to top them off. Additionally, we’ll provide tips for serving and storing the donuts to keep them fresh and tasty.

The recipe overview will start with the list of ingredients needed to make the donuts, including flour, yeast, sugar, milk, and butter. Then, we’ll cover the instructions for making the dough, allowing it to rise, and shaping the donuts before frying them to golden perfection. Finally, we’ll walk through the process of making a sweet glaze to drizzle over the freshly fried donuts.

To wrap up, we’ll provide tips for serving the homemade donuts, such as adding sprinkles or powdered sugar, and guidance on how to store any leftovers to maintain their freshness. With this recipe overview, you’ll be well-equipped to create delectable homemade donuts in your own kitchen.

Preparing the Dough

Before you can bake delicious bread, pizzas, or pastries, you need to start with a well-prepared dough. The process of preparing dough is a crucial step in many baking recipes, and getting it right can make all the difference in the final product. From mixing the ingredients to letting it rise, and kneading it to the right consistency, the preparation of the dough requires attention to detail and a good understanding of the desired end result. In this section, we will explore the steps and techniques involved in preparing the dough for various baked goods, as well as tips for achieving the best results. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned baker, mastering the art of preparing the dough will elevate your baking game and ensure delicious results every time.

Gather Ingredients and Supplies

To make the dough and fry the donuts, you will need the following ingredients and supplies: whole milk, granulated sugar, active dry yeast, all-purpose flour, kosher salt, butter, eggs, pure vanilla extract, and canola or vegetable oil. For supplies, have a mixing bowl, measuring cups and spoons, a rolling pin, a frying pan, and paper towels on hand.

In a mixing bowl, combine the whole milk, granulated sugar, and active dry yeast to activate the yeast. Then add in the all-purpose flour, kosher salt, melted butter, eggs, and pure vanilla extract to form the dough. Let the dough rise before rolling it out and cutting out the donut shapes.

Once the donuts are shaped, heat the canola or vegetable oil in a frying pan. Carefully fry the donuts until they are golden brown on both sides. Use paper towels to absorb any excess oil before enjoying your freshly fried donuts.

Gathering the ingredients and supplies beforehand will ensure a smooth and efficient donut-making process.

Activating the Yeast

To activate the yeast, start by gathering a small bowl, warm water, sugar, and the yeast. The water should be around 110-115°F (43-46°C) – this is the perfect temperature to activate the yeast.

First, pour the warm water into the small bowl and add a small amount of sugar. Then, sprinkle the yeast over the warm water and sugar mixture. Gently stir everything together to ensure the yeast is fully immersed in the liquid.

Let the mixture sit for about 5-10 minutes. During this time, the yeast will start to feed on the sugar and become active. After a few minutes, you should start to see small bubbles forming on the surface and the mixture will become foamy. This foamy appearance indicates that the yeast is active and ready to be added to the other ingredients in your recipe.

Once the yeast is foamy, it is ready to be incorporated into the other ingredients for your recipe. Simply pour the yeast mixture into the rest of the ingredients and continue with the recipe as directed. This activated yeast will help your dough rise and give your baked goods a light and airy texture.

Mixing the Dough

To mix the dough for your delicious doughnuts, start by adding warm milk, sugar, and activated yeast to a stand mixer bowl. Then, pour in the egg and melted butter mixture. Using the dough hook attachment, gradually add in the flour and salt while allowing the stand mixer to knead the dough for about 5 minutes, or until it becomes smooth and elastic.

Once the dough is well-kneaded, transfer it to a lightly greased bowl and cover it to let it rest and rise for about an hour. This step is important for the dough to develop its flavor and texture.

After the dough has rested and risen, it is now ready to be shaped and fried into delicious, fluffy doughnuts. This mixing process ensures that the dough will be perfectly kneaded and ready for the next steps in the doughnut-making process.

By following these instructions, you can create the perfect doughnut dough using warm milk, yeast, a stand mixer, and kneading with the dough hook attachment. Enjoy making and frying your homemade doughnuts!

Letting the Dough Rise

To let the dough rise, start by placing it in a lightly oiled bowl. This will prevent the dough from sticking to the sides of the bowl as it expands. Next, cover the bowl with plastic wrap to create a warm and moist environment for the dough to rise in. Allow the dough to rise for about 1 hour, or until it has doubled in size.

While the dough is rising, it is important to monitor the temperature of the oil to ensure it stays between 375-380°F. This temperature range is ideal for allowing the dough to rise properly, as it creates the perfect conditions for yeast activation and expansion. If the temperature is too low, the dough may take longer to rise, while too high of a temperature can cause the dough to rise too quickly and result in an uneven texture.

By following these steps, the dough will have the opportunity to rise and develop its characteristic flavors and texture. This process is crucial in baking, as it allows the dough to develop structure and strength, ultimately leading to a delicious final product.

Rolling Out the Dough and Cutting the Donuts

To roll out the dough and cut the donuts, start by preparing a floured surface. Place the dough on the surface and use a rolling pin to roll it out to a thickness of ¼ to ⅓-inch. Make sure to keep the dough evenly thick to ensure uniform cooking.

Next, use a 3-inch round cutter to cut as many rounds as possible from the rolled out dough. After cutting out the rounds, use a small 1-inch cutter to remove the centers from each round, creating the classic donut shape.

Place the cut doughnuts and the holes on a floured baking sheet, ensuring they are not too close together. Then, cover them with a clean kitchen towel and let them rise for at least 1 hour. This is essential for the donuts to achieve the desired light and airy texture.

Once the doughnuts and holes have risen for at least one hour, they are ready for frying. The risen dough should be visibly puffy and airy, a sign that they are ready to be cooked to perfection. Following these steps will ensure perfectly shaped and delicious donuts for all to enjoy.

Re-Rising the Cut Donut Shapes

To re-rise the cut doughnut shapes, start by placing them on a floured baking sheet to prevent sticking. Make sure to space them apart, allowing room for expansion. Then, cover the doughnut shapes with a clean tea towel to create a warm, dark environment for rising.

Allow the doughnut shapes to rise for at least 1 hour, or up to 1 hour and 15 minutes, until they are visibly puffy and airy. This time frame may vary depending on the temperature and humidity of the environment. The dough should almost double in size during this re-rising process, indicating that the yeast has been activated and is producing the desired light and airy texture.

Once the doughnut shapes have adequately risen, they are ready to be fried or baked according to the recipe’s instructions. The re-rising process is crucial for achieving the characteristic lightness and fluffiness of doughnuts, ensuring a delightful texture and flavor in the finished product.

Frying the Donuts

Frying the donuts is a crucial step in the donut making process that gives these sweet treats their signature texture and flavor. Whether you’re making traditional glazed donuts or experimenting with unique flavors and fillings, the frying process is essential in achieving that perfect golden-brown exterior and light, fluffy interior. From the temperature of the oil to the type of oil used, there are various factors to consider when frying donuts to ensure that they turn out just right. In this section, we’ll explore everything you need to know about frying the perfect batch of donuts, including tips and techniques for achieving that iconic crispy-soft texture and delicious taste. Whether you’re a seasoned baker or new to the world of donut making, mastering the art of frying donuts will elevate your homemade treats to the next level. So let’s dive in and discover the ins and outs of frying donuts to bring a little taste of sweetness into your kitchen.

Heating Oil in a Dutch Oven or Deep Fryer

Heating oil in a Dutch oven or deep fryer is a common technique that is used in many kitchens. Whether you are frying up some crispy chicken or making a batch of homemade donuts, the process of heating oil in a Dutch oven or deep fryer is essential for achieving that perfect golden brown finish.

When it comes to using a Dutch oven for heating oil, it’s important to choose the right type of oil. The best options for frying are oils with a high smoke point, such as vegetable oil, canola oil, or peanut oil. These types of oil can withstand high temperatures without breaking down or producing harmful compounds.

To heat oil in a Dutch oven, simply pour the desired amount of oil into the pot and turn the heat to medium-high. Use a candy thermometer to monitor the temperature and ensure it reaches the desired level for frying. Once the oil reaches the right temperature, carefully add the food into the hot oil and fry until golden and crispy.

Using a deep fryer for heating oil is also a popular choice for many home cooks. Deep fryers are designed to maintain a consistent temperature, making it easier to achieve perfect results every time. They also have a built-in mechanism to drain excess oil, resulting in a healthier end product.

To use a deep fryer, simply pour the oil into the designated compartment and set the temperature according to the recipe. Once the oil reaches the desired temperature, carefully lower the food into the fryer and cook until golden brown and crispy.

No matter which method you choose, it’s crucial to use caution when working with hot oil. Always be mindful of splattering and never leave the hot oil unattended. Properly dispose of used oil and ensure that it cools completely before discarding.

In conclusion, heating oil in a Dutch oven or deep fryer is a straightforward process that can yield delicious results. Choose the right type of oil, monitor the temperature, and always use caution when working with hot oil. With these tips in mind, you’ll be frying up mouthwatering dishes in no time.

Carefully Placing in Each Donut Shape into Hot Oil

Carefully placing each donut shape into hot oil is a crucial step in the process of creating the perfect, golden-brown, and mouth-watering treat. The key to achieving the coveted light and fluffy texture of a good donut lies in the precision and care taken during the frying process.

As the oil begins to heat up, it’s important to tread cautiously and avoid any sudden movements that could cause splattering. Once the oil reaches the perfect temperature, gently lower each carefully crafted donut shape into the hot oil using a slotted spoon, ensuring that they are evenly spaced and not overcrowding the pan. This allows enough room for the donuts to fry evenly and rise to their full potential.

The sizzle of the hot oil as the dough hits the surface is a satisfying sound, indicating that the donuts are on their way to becoming perfectly fried. As the donuts start to cook, it’s important to monitor them closely, turning them over with a pair of tongs to ensure an even golden-brown color on all sides. This attentive approach ensures that each donut is cooked to perfection, with a crispy exterior and a soft, pillowy interior.

Carefully placing each donut shape into hot oil is not just about achieving the perfect texture and appearance; it’s also about safety. Hot oil can be dangerous, and it’s essential to handle it with caution to avoid any potential accidents. By taking the time to gently and methodically place the donuts into the hot oil, the risk of splattering or burns is greatly reduced.

In conclusion, the art of carefully placing each donut shape into hot oil is an essential step in the process of creating delectable, homemade donuts. By approaching this task with precision and care, not only do you ensure that your donuts will turn out perfectly, but you also prioritize safety in the kitchen. So, the next time you decide to whip up a batch of donuts, remember the importance of taking the time to gently place each one into the hot oil – your taste buds will thank you for it.

Turning Over Each Donut to Ensure Even Browning

One of the key factors in achieving the perfect, evenly browned donuts is to turn them over during the cooking process. This ensures that both sides of the donut are equally exposed to the heat, resulting in a delicious, uniform golden-brown color.

When frying or baking donuts, it’s important to remember that the heat distribution may not always be completely even. This can lead to uneven browning, with one side being too dark while the other remains undercooked. To prevent this, turning over each donut during the cooking process is essential.

By flipping the donut over halfway through the cooking time, you can ensure that both sides receive equal exposure to the heat source. This ensures that the donut cooks evenly and achieves a beautiful golden-brown color on both sides.

When turning over the donuts, be sure to use a pair of tongs or a slotted spatula to carefully and gently flip them. This will help to avoid any potential splashing or spattering of hot oil if frying, or any potential deflating of the donut if baking.

In addition to promoting even browning, flipping the donuts also helps to ensure that they cook through evenly. This is especially important for thicker, cake-style donuts, as it helps to ensure that the center is fully cooked and not doughy.

Overall, turning over each donut during the cooking process is a simple yet crucial step in achieving perfectly browned, delicious donuts. By taking the time to flip each donut, you can ensure that they cook evenly, resulting in a uniform and appetizing golden-brown color. So, next time you’re cooking donuts, don’t forget to give them a flip!

Finishing Touches and Final Steps

When it comes to completing a project or achieving a goal, the finishing touches and final steps are often crucial in making the end result truly successful. Whether it’s a home renovation, a work presentation, or a personal project, taking the time to focus on the details and tie up loose ends can make a huge difference in the overall outcome.

Finishing touches are the small, subtle details that can elevate a project from good to great. This could be adding a fresh coat of paint, polishing the edges, or adding decorative elements that tie the whole look together. These final touches can make a space feel more complete and cohesive, and can give a project a professional and polished feel.

Final steps, on the other hand, are the last actions that need to be taken to bring a project to completion. This could be filing paperwork, double-checking all the details, or making any final adjustments to ensure everything is in place. Final steps are essential for ensuring that a project is truly finished and ready to be presented or enjoyed.

Taking the time to focus on finishing touches and final steps also shows attention to detail and dedication to the project. It demonstrates a commitment to excellence and a desire to deliver the best possible outcome. It’s often the finishing touches and final steps that leave a lasting impression on others and can make a project stand out from the rest.

In conclusion, the finishing touches and final steps are crucial in bringing a project to completion. They can add a level of sophistication and professionalism, and ensure that every detail is accounted for. Taking the time to focus on these aspects can make a world of difference in the overall success of a project.

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