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Straight A Midtown

Midtown Pizza

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Midtown Pizza

Dallas has some of the best pizzerias in the country and some great vegetarian restaurants so it was time to blend them together... and Midtown Pizza was crafted. We have friends and family all over North Dallas that are either vegetarian, keep Kosher or practice a vegan lifestyle who simply want to eat good pizza!

We are one of the few pizza restaurants that carry mock meat options, but most of our pizzas focus on fresh plant-based ingredients with a range of dairy and dairy-free cheeses.  We have a variety of vegetarian options, ranging from the classic Melanzane to the indulgent Calzone, Greek, and the obscenely tasty Soy-based meatball sub sandwich. If you need to eat gluten-free as well, there’s no need to worry. Our gluten-free base is the perfect solution. We’re also more than happy to chop and change our pizzas as much as you like.  We want you to feel at home. We want you to feel loved and we want you to come back and do it all over again.

Why did we choose to be Vegetarian?

There's never been a better time to be meatless in America. Plant-based burgers are achieving the impossible. Our goal is to provide the highest quality products and choices for our customers.  That includes products that taste like you are eating the real thing but can have peace of mind that is soy-based. You can have the best of both worlds at Midtown Pizza by enjoying the experience of a healthier and guiltless expression of your beliefs, whether it is religious, spiritual, or dietary.

Basic eatery with kosher pies & slices ranging from simple to creative plus salads & desserts.


Kosher Certification
DK Dallas Kosher

Contact Information

5782, Alpha Road, Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, 75240, United States
5782, Alpha Road, Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, 75240, United States

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